Home » Swedenstan » Expressen editor in chief‎: Google is owned by Jews and “should know” the importance of censorship
Mattsson: Google is owned by Jews and "should know" the importance of censorship

Expressen editor in chief‎: Google is owned by Jews and “should know” the importance of censorship

According to Expressen’s so-called disclosure that it is possible to obtain politically incorrect information by searching Google, newspaper editor Thomas Mattsson now raises suspicions over owner Sergey Brin’s ethnic background as argument for more censorship.

By – Brünnhilde

In a chronicle, Mattsson suggests that the great owner Sergey Brin has an extraordinary responsibility for censoring the Internet because he happens to be a Jew.

Brin’s relatives have experience of Soviet antisemitism, according to Mattsson.

Anti-Semitism is still available and it’s a shame that Google spreads it,” continues Mattson. “Sergey Brin should know.

His parents were not allowed to pursue their careers in the Soviet because they were Jews. When Sergey Brin’s father was to make a matric test, he did it in a space intended only for Jews – it was called the” gas chamber. ”

In the chronicle, Mattsson concludes that Brin is not only Jew but rich as well.

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“He’s worth (good for, FT’s note.) In fact, Over 500 billion. He can afford not to let Google and Youtube be used for anything,” Mattson writes in his chronicle.

Expressen has simultaneously posted several articles in English, or what to call it, where the newspaper tries to argue for increased censorship in Google.
Yesterday, they launched the title “Nazi Hunter’s Will (sic!) To investigate Google for Anti Semitic (sic!) Content” and today they followed up with “Youtube are (sic!) Spread Nazi (sic!) And Anti-Jewish !) movies”.

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Read more:  From  2018/03/15 

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